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Smart Intersection 


June 1st, 2020 - July 24th, 2020


This project aims to develop a smart city intersection simulation for the model intersection in the ORBIT room. Work on virtual reality extension by connecting VR environment to the simulator to generate realistic car behavior. And situation permitting, work with physical smart city environment to use real car behavior as input to the simulator. 


This simulation will be built from a base SUMO simulation, piping data from SUMO to a Gazebo simulation. This project will eventually be integrated with a self-driving car model made in Gazebo.

Weekly Progress
Weekly Progress:

Week 1: Read the documentation on SUMO and Gazebo, familiarized ourselves with orbit and Gitlab, created website.





Week 2: Read ROS documentation, tested/setup remote desktop. Completed Gazebo beginner and world tutorials.





Week 3: Continue researching ROS communication. Begin intersection construction in Gazebo.





Week 4: Continue building out the intersection. Establish ROS connection with SUMO.





Week 5: Researched merging traffic models using Gazebo and SUMO.

Research paper:





Week 6: Finished rough Gazebo World. Started various SUMO tutorials.





Week 7: Finished SUMO model. Implement SUMO model into Hybrid Simulation.





Week 8: Finish up loose ends/debugging.
















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